Friday, August 19, 2011

Typical Friday in my World

Today was... pretty much a lot like yesterday, but didn't get yelled at quite as much.  Yea!

Best part of the day...
Realizing I had time for lunch because I showed up to work an hour early.

Worst/ funniest moment...
A guy at work telling me "I don't mean to be a little sh*t, but I just am sometimes."  NO this was not a was a guest in a nice restaurant!  WTH is wrong with people??? 

I am thankful for...
My day off tomorrow!  Time to see my family and hang out with Roger. 

Other tidbits...
Only one person is "following" my new blog.  His blog is all about divorce and it makes me sad.  As a divorced person, I know that is a hard time in life and very lonely.  Kinda feel bad for whoever he long as it's not my ex staking me down!  LOL!! Cyber stalking is freaky.  On the other hand, it might be Andy, and in that's all good and hang in there!

My mom got a new job and I'm sooo proud of her!  It will be so great for her financially and to be able to travel as she loves to do.  Go, Mom, Go! (as she would say...)


  1. Yep. Just me, Kellye. Sorry for the scare. I'm doing much better. My blog was a means to help me through it.

  2. Great idea to vent frustrations through writing. I have my journal for that and it really helps me de-stress. Andy, things will get easier with time. They always have a piece of your heart, but you've got a lot left!
